autonomous and dynamic production line management

Autonómne a dynamické riadenie montážnej linky na výrobu kolies


The company MCSyncro (part of the EUROFIT group) has chosen the Smart Industry solution EMANS for the digitalization and automation of its factory floor with an autonomous wheel and tire assembly line. 

Project Assignment:

  • Autonomous and dynamic management of wheel and tire production line


  • Implementation of Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) module of the Smart Industry system EMANS
  • Deployment of an in house network of internet of things (IoT) and internet of services (IoS)
  • Deployment of digital twin technology
  • Integration of MOM module with the company´s ERP system and PLC control system
  • Real-time two-way communication between the MOM system and manufacturing equipment
  • Integration with automated cartesian manipulator in the warehouse of finished products


  • Automated customer order processing 
  • Automated generation of digital birth certificate including detailed technical parameters of the wheel and tire origin
  • Reporting including precise production stats and facts
  • Integrity test – automated preparation of manufactured wheels and tires for quality control
  • Assuring timely deliveries of finished wheels and tires to customer´s factory
  • Finished wheels and tires quality increase
  • Improvement of the production line productivity
  • Overall downtime reduction
  • Agility improvement of manufacturing processes
  • Error-rate and scrap reduction – elimination of waste
  • Optimization of manufacturing and logistics processes on the shop floor
  • Reinforcement of manufacturing process flexibility

Smart Industry system EMANS assures a fixed manufacturing cycle of 22 seconds per wheel.


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Autonomous Synchronization of Logistics and Manufacturing | Milk-Run 4.0

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