The Register of Entities Providing Assistance to Victims of Crime helps the most vulnerable


The Register of Entities Providing Assistance to Victims of Crime helps the most vulnerable

The Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic has made available on its website the Register of Entities Providing Assistance to Victims of Crime in accordance with the Victims of Crime Act. The Register offers a quickly accessible list of facilities where people in need can turn to when seeking professional assistance. The Register helps abused women and their children, victims of crime, police officers, prosecutors, or social centres within the provision of assistance to those who have been hurt.

The Register was prepared for the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak republic by ANASOFT, a software company.

The Register of Entities Providing Assistance to Victims helps abused women and their children, victims of crime, police officers, prosecutors, or social centres within the provision of assistance to those who have been hurt. It offers fast access to the list of facilities, such as accredited entities: emergency centres, counselling centres for women experiencing violence, and shelters, based on the search criteria, where such persons may turn to when seeking professional help.   

Every detail of an entity contains the basic information on the entity, its registered office, the region where it provides assistance, and, unless undisclosed, also the address of the facility where the professional assistance is provided. If the address of the facility where the professional assistance is provided in undisclosed, only the county where the assistance is provided is published.  

The detail also contains the information on the form of professional assistance (general professional assistance, specialised professional assistance, assistance to victims according to special regulations) and the group of professional assistance recipients. Important information also includes the entity’s contact information and the information on the entity’s accreditation granted by the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic.