Electronic contracting system is the best public procurement measure


Electronic contracting system is the best public procurement measureTransparency International Slovakia (TIS), the non-profit and non-governmental organization, studied the developments in the past year and as singled out the Electronic Market (e-market) as the best of the governmental reform instruments related to public procurement

Electronic contracting system (ECS) is another element of the system of governmental measures related to combating corruption.


The state, municipalities, upper-tier territorial units and organizations which are founded or funded by them must purchase through the e-market, which is the first component of the ECS, if the value of goods, services or construction work is between 1,000 Euro and 134,000 Euro in the case of state procurers and up to 207,000 Euro in the case of other procurers. 5,186,000 Euro is the maximum limit for construction work. This instrument eliminates the possibility of influencing the outcome of tenders.

The E-market system “went live” in February 2015 and the number of participating entities is growing by the month. The value of more than half of the transactions that take place within the framework of e-market is up to 1,000 Euro. Companies doing business here procure goods most frequently.  30,000 transactions in the value of 240 million Euro were processed here in 2015 with savings of 45 million Euro (source: www.eks.sk)

A consortium consisting of ANASOFT, Slovak Telekom (ST) and Tlačová agentúra Slovenskej republiky (News Agency of the Slovak Republic) (TASR) are the suppliers of this e-market; ANASOFT’s role is to cover the application and all legal matters related to transactions in the e-market.  

You can read the entire press release here