ANASOFT is the winner of Microsoft Industry Awards 2010
ANASOFT entered the competition with solution named Implementation of MS Exchange 2010 in IT company of the year in the category…
Oracle Mobile Server provides field workers with current data Europe-wide
Our German branch Anasoft Technology implemented an extensive automatic data- and software-sharing solution based on the…
Anasoft is the IT Company of 2009 in Slovakia
The IT company of 2009 prize was awarded to Anasoft APR, s.r.o. during theprestigious IT Gala evening. Committee especially…
ANASOFT presents its second OpenSource project m2-site-tools
This project is a handy toolkit for developers and companies that use Maven 2 site generation capabilities in order to generate…
Monitoring and Management of Production Processes in HBPO
HBPO, world-wide development and manufacturing partner of front-end modules for all major car manufacturers has monitoring…
ANASOFT is entering the world of Open Source by launching its first project DAO Fusion
ANASOFT presents the knowledge and experience of its people because it realizes that true value of a software company is…
Anasoft is Microsoft Industry Awards 2009 winner
Microsoft has announced the winners of Microsoft Industry Awards 2009 in 10 categories.
ANASOFT earned status Check Point Silver Partner
ANASOFT earned status Check Point Silver Partner.
Anasoft is Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
Anasoft earned Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and achieved the highest level of partnership with Microsoft Company.
Gaming Universal with webinterface and hosting
For large parts of the gaming and transaction platform Gaming Universal there is now a webinterface available, with additional…
ANASOFT became HP GOLD Preferred Partner 2009
Anasoft received the HP GOLD certificate, which guarantee to its customers that the company belongs to the best and most…
ANASOFT wins € 3 Mio Contract Award in Utilities Segment
Anasoft has been awarded the contract of delivering Software Update Licence & Support Oracle and related services to…