

When Will Our Offices Finally Turn Paperless?

Systems for document digitalization and management belong to the top five enterprise applications. Most firms consider them…


Cutting Production Costs

As the results of the PwC survey have shown, almost half of the manufacturing companies worry about the permanent pressure…


Software for Quality Management in Manufacturing

Quality is one of the fundamental requirements for manufacturing; this refers to the quality of input components, the quality…


A New Service Desk is available for ANASOFT Customers

We have introduced a new channel designated for daily communication and operations with our customers. The new Service Desk,…


Will the fifth industrial revolution save the world?

The topic of the fourth industrial revolution is on the agenda more and more often. It appears almost every day in the media,…


Replace paper with pixels without losing the human touch

“Phygital e-signing” takes the best of both worlds, eliminating the burden of paper forms while keeping a natural way of…


How to protect data from privileged users

Cyber-attacks are an increasingly frequent topic of discussion these days, and part and parcel of the use of modern information…


Another Year Another Girl’s Day at ANASOFT

The 2016 International Girls in Information-Communication Technology (ICT) Day will again take place under the auspices of…


SIGNATUS at Lexmark Inspire 2016 - Orlando, FL

We were honored to be a part of Lexmark Inspire 2016 and share our experience with integrating Lexmark technology. Experience…


When Toys Find Their Way into the Hands of Adults

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. The different perception of matters by different genders is frequently explained…


Good Health Tailor-made for ANASOFTies

On World Health Day, the employees of ANASOFT dedicated some of their time to their health and treated their bodies and…


Implementation of Core eIDAS Components Goes to ANASOFT

ANASOFT is proud to announce of being appointed for implementation of the core eIDAS components in the e-government infrastructure.…