Manufacturing and completion technology management| intelligent intralogistics and Warehouse Execution System

Riadenie výrobnej a kompletizačnej technológie – inteligentná intralogistika a WES


The aim of the project was to deploy management and monitoring of production technologies, management of order-picking, order finalization up to the delivery to the end customer. For that purpose, the project utilized the deployment of a  new generation of WMS system (Warehouse Management System) for intelligent warehouse and order management - Warehouse Execution System (WES). The Smart Industry solution has been implemented in the warehouse (of 3,500 m2) and shop floor of the trade and distribution company LUNYS operating in the import and distribution of fresh fruit, vegetables, and food groceries.

Project Assignment:

  • Shop floor supermarket slotting and storing
  • Dynamic order allocation for pick up workstations on the shop floor
  • Effective production planning


  • Implementation of Warehouse Execution System (WES) module and Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) module of the Smart Industry solution EMANS
  • Deployment of in-plant network internet of things (IoT) and internet of services (IoS)
  • Deployment of digital twin technology
  • Implementation of autonomous algorithms (AI)
  • Integration of the system EMANS with PLC control system (conveyor belts, digital scales, barcode scanners)
  • Integration of the system EMANS with the company´s ERP system
  • Integration of the system EMANS with ECM (Enterprise Content Management) system 


  • Real-time reporting
  • Autonomous order-picking management
  • Order completion and dispatching 
  • Monitoring of production process and manufacturing equipment
  • Material flow tracking and management
  • Digitalization and automation of delivery notes - dematerialization of manufacturing and distribution process
  • Automated goods weighting registering data into the company´s ERP system


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Die Unternehmen ANASOFT TECHNOLOGY AG, Querenburger Straße 38, 44789 Bochum, Germany und ANASOFT APR, spol. s r.o., Mlynská dolina 41, 811 02 Bratislava, Slowakei, ID 31361552 verarbeiten Ihre persönlichen Daten im Sinne des Kontaktformulars, um Sie über den von Ihnen ausgewählten Kommunikationskanal zurück zu kontaktieren. Bei der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten respektieren wir und halten Ihre Rechte bei der Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten ein. Sie haben das Recht, dieser Verarbeitung zu widersprechen, und dies jederzeit unter der E-Mail Adresse, oder der Adresse des Unternehmens zu tun.


* Povinné položky


Warehouse Logistics Management | WES

Autonomous Synchronization of Logistics and Manufacturing | Milk-Run 4.0

Complex Warehouse Logistics Management | WMS